Productivity is an essential skill for all Managers /leaders to master. 


The benefit of being productive is that you can be more effective in your most crucial activities.


Not only are you effective, but you are also able to set meaningful goals and get more done in less time.


Productivity helps you to feel a sense of achievement and make progress.


It increases your focus and motivation.


Productive people can accomplish bigger and better results.


According to research statistics, a good productivity percentage is somewhere between 70-75%


This means that employees spend 70% or more of their time working and 25% or less of their time taking breaks. 


This allows for maximum profit without risking burnout or a poor work-life balance. 


What does a productivity expectation of 75% mean?


A productivity expectation of 75% means that the employee isn’t burning themselves out by always working at full capacity. 


This way, if demands increase temporarily, they can respond efficiently without going over their limit.

For example, an employee working at 75% will have vacations, small breaks, and unscheduled portions of the day. 


Doing so will give the employee more energy when it’s time to work and lead to a more healthy and more steady productivity rate overall.


Get these 23  Productivity Hacks to Work Smarter, Get more done and find Fulfilment and Balance Here !


Let us explore some reasons why New Managers Must Boost their Productivity! 


1.It Helps Minimise Stress.


Productivity means doing the work you love. 

If you do what you love, you will be more productive.

You will be able to deliver the biggest results.


 When you deliver bigger results, it automatically minimizes stress, because you are busy with a purpose, there is more simplicity, less overwhelm, and fewer deadlines.


Being more productive in the work you love to do, and that delivers the biggest results, can directly reduce your stress levels. 


 2. More Free Time.


When you are productive, you focus on the work that you love to do

This leaves you with more free time to do more of the things that matter most to you, eg- spending more time with family and friends or pursuing a new hobby, or traveling to new places.


More free time boosts energy and focus and helps you become more productive, creative, and energized at work. 


It is cyclic.


3.Increased Energy. 


 By protecting your time, and focusing your effort on your highest-value activities, you can produce Bigger results, and feel more excited, motivated, and energized.


4.Greater Clarity.


Increased productivity is about making things much simpler and easier, and less complex and complicated. 

When you are clear about what you want, you feel more confident and in control of your time, because you know where to invest your time and energy to produce the outcomes you want.


5.More Intentionality.

 Being intentional means having a powerful sense of clarity and purpose.

 Intentionality is a crucial mindset for any productive person. When you are intentional you’re focused on results.


The higher your intentionality, the more productive you will be.


6.You develop a Laser Sharp Focus.


With clear goals in place, your focus is laser sharp.

You can focus on the projects, opportunities, and people that matter and make the most effective use of your time.


7.You are Proactive.


Clarity helps you to identify a clear destination and direction and eliminates procrastination. 


You become proactive once you gain clarity.


8.Maximum Achievement.


Boosting productivity helps you in maximizing your achievements.


You can identify your most productive activities and spend more time doing them.

By doing so, you will experience increased productivity, greater energy and get better results. 


Better results fuel motivation, excitement, and growth.


9. Better Boundaries 


When you spend more time on your most productive actions, you manage your time effectively and are unlikely to be distracted. 


You set better boundaries around your time and make the best use of your energy.



10.You’ll earn more with your time.


In the long run, you will increase your earning potential, because of the big results you bring and the value you add.


11.You’ll become more effective over time.


As you gain knowledge and wisdom, your productivity will improve. 


You may not be more efficient at things, but you’ll be more effective.

It could be in work, life, or elsewhere. 





There are benefits of being more productive.


 Increased productivity is about starting small and then building up.  


Every bit of progress towards making progress each day and achieving the results you want counts.


The more value you add and the bigger results you achieve, the more progress you make, and life get easier, more productive, and more enjoyable.


But some Managers and Leaders have lot of myths around Productivity and Make a lot of mistakes that make them less productive .

Read the Myths that you must not believe in and the Mistakes that kill your Productivity .


I hope you have found the post helpful. What are your views on productivity? Share your thoughts below.


Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach 



P.S -Please share the post and help someone today !




Now is the time to unleash your full potential and be more productive than ever before .



If you desire to master your productivity -by working smarter, being effective with your time and efforts, and having a healthy work-life balance



If you want to be intentional and mindful with how you spend your time and are typically ambitious and goal-oriented.



If you want to improve your performance, feel less stressed and have a healthier work-life balance , schedule a FREE DISCOVERY SESSION HERE !


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