“Leaders show examples. They have something to offer and they’ll offer it by the process of how they got it. Anyone who has no examples to show may not lead better.”


Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders’ Ladder


Leading by example is crucial for new managers, as it helps to establish credibility and trust among team members.


By modelling the behaviour you expect from your team, you can establish a culture of excellence and lead your team to success.


Would you like to Make A SMOOTH TRANSITION AND THRIVE CONFIDENTLY in your New Role ?







1.Demonstrate Integrity:

Always act with honesty and uphold strong moral principles. 

Keep your promises, admit to your mistakes, and make decisions based on what is right rather than what is easy or beneficial to you personally.

Communicate openly and honestly with your team. Share both successes and challenges and how you’re addressing them. 

It’s important for you to do the right thing, even when it’s difficult. 

You should adhere to ethical standards and company policies, and be fair and consistent in your actions.

This builds trust and shows integrity.

2.Set Clear Expectations:


Clearly define goals and expectations for your team. Make sure everyone understands their role in achieving the team’s objectives. 

Clearly defined goals and expectations can help guide the team’s efforts and improve productivity. 

You should ensure these are well-communicated and understood.

Open and honest communication is key. You should share relevant information with the team, explain their decision-making processes, and be clear about expectations.

Leading by example means setting standards for what is expected from your team members.

3.Communicate Effectively:

Keep open lines of communication with your team. 

Listen actively to their ideas and concerns, provide clear and consistent information, and encourage an environment where feedback is welcomed and respected.

4.Show Commitment:

Exhibit dedication to your role, goals, your team, and the organisation. 

Work diligently  – Arrive on time, meet deadlines, and go the extra mile when necessary, showing your team that you’re invested in the collective success.

Your commitment will inspire others to do the same.

5.Practice Accountability :

Hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions. You should take responsibility for your actions and those of your team. 

 Acknowledge mistakes and learn from them and work to prevent them in the future. 

This demonstrates to your team that taking responsibility is a valued behaviour.

6.Be Decisive:

Make informed decisions promptly and stand by them. 

Use data and feedback to guide your decision-making processes. 

Transparently explain your decisions so your team can understand and learn from your thought process.

This shows your team that you are confident and capable of steering the group in the right direction.

7.Empower Your Team:

Delegate tasks effectively, trust your team to perform, and give them the autonomy to make decisions.


Delegate authority and encourage decision-making at all levels. 

Trust your team’s abilities and help them grow by giving them opportunities to take ownership of their work.

Empowering your team fosters growth, confidence, and a sense of ownership over their work.

Good leaders empower their team members by providing them with the tools, guidance, and autonomy they need to succeed. They recognize and celebrate their team’s achievements.

8.Provide Constructive Feedback:

Offer regular, constructive feedback to help your team improve and develop. Praise publicly and critique privately to maintain morale and respect.

9.Lead with Empathy:

Understand and be considerate of the personal situations and professional challenges your team members face.

Understand and consider your team’s perspectives and feelings. 

Understanding and taking into account the feelings and perspectives of team members is vital. 

This can involve providing support during difficult times and being approachable and available for discussions.

Support them through challenges and celebrate their successes. 

An empathetic leader builds strong relationships, a supportive culture and can foster a positive and productive work environment.

10.Encourage Collaboration:

Promote a team environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas and working together. This can foster innovation and improve team performance.

11.Be a Role Model for Learning and Development:

Continue to develop your own skills and encourage your team to do the same. 

Showing that you value continuous learning sets the tone for professional development within your team.

You can do this by seeking feedback, being open to new ideas, and staying updated with industry trends.

12.Maintain Professionalism:

Set the standard for behaviour in the workplace. This includes being punctual, dressing appropriately, communicating effectively, and maintaining a positive attitude.

Treat everyone with respect, dress appropriately for your role, and maintain a professional demeanour in all business interactions. 

By incorporating these twelve practices into your management style, you’ll be leading by example and setting a positive precedent for your team to follow.

Remember, leading by example isn’t just about what you do, but also how you do it. Your actions, attitude, and approach set the tone for your team’s dynamics and performance.


To Conclude, here is a quote :

“You don’t lead people by what you say to them; you lead them by what they see you do. True leaders are self-leaders.”
― Israelmore Ayivor


Hope the post has been helpful.

Do you demonstrate some behaviours to lead by example ?

Which tip resonates with you the most?

What will you do to lead by example today ? Share your thoughts below.


Have an awesome day !


Babita Sharma

Leadership Coach



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