Most New Managers tend to be high achievers and if they are not already then they want to be one …


It is a commonly held belief among most high achievers that to be a high achiever they must work for a long and work hard.


What happens as a result of this?


They do not realize that they are on an unsustainable path. 


By working for long hours and working hard they become overwhelmed and burned out.


Despite all their success, if this is not checked in time, they may end up stressed, burnt out, lonely, and unhappy and never get to enjoy all they work so hard to achieve.


Your emotions also have a big role to play in your productivity. They impact your productivity and motivation.


If you are stressed, lonely, unhappy, and have no work-life balance, then your productivity and motivation will drop, and never get to that point of high achievement that you desire.


In such cases, one needs the help of a coach.


So let us explore how a productivity coach can help you.




A productivity coach can help you to make the best use of your potential in a sustainable way.  


He will help you see better possibilities and make the best decisions that are essential to help you stay motivated.


By working with a Productivity coach, you will be able to achieve your goals with minimum stress and burnout.


Here are some life-changing results that you can expect to get by working with a Productivity coach.


1 Clarity And Focus

In productivity coaching, a coach helps you become more clear about what you want to achieve with your time and energy each day.


Having a clear vision is important for achievement. If you are not clear about what you want then you will be wasting a lot of time busy wandering.

When you are clear with what you want to achieve then you focus better and do deep work.


This brings more success because you become proactive. 

Clarity also eliminates procrastination.


2.Identify and eliminate Blind Spots

A  coach can see into your blind spots in your professional and other dimensions of life which prevent you from progressing.


  By identifying and eliminating them you can keep progressing faster than you would on your own.


3.Eliminate Energy Drains

Old Archaic beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and relationships are some energy  drainers when they no longer serve you.


It is important to change them because many of these things currently operate on an unconscious level and you may not be able to see them on your own.


A coach  helps you identify and shift them in a manner that can serve you well again .


4 See Better Possibilities

The coach helps you see beyond what you thought or knew was possible. 

When you are able to see opportunities and a way of living that excites you, you feel more energised.


5 Be Centred

The coach  helps you become calm and productive so that you are able to make clear and conscious decisions, focus where you need to, and become more productive and motivated .


6.Prioritise Effectively

A coach helps you prioritise your work, and important things in life and schedule them .

He helps you create a schedule that work for you and not overwhelms you .


Prioritising has its own benefits :

It reduces stress and increases productivity. 

You get more time to check your errors. 

You are more relaxed 

You are more motivated and proactive .


7.Establish Success habits and rituals.


A productivity coach can help you focus on what needs to get done and help you create habits and rituals for morning and evening to keep a positive mindset and approach the day proactively and end it on a positive note.


Some of them can be ,meditation, journaling, exercising, listening to music, or having a up of coffee .

8. More confidence and control


A coach helps you develop a positive mindset where you view yourself as successful .

A positive mindset increases your confidence .


The more confident you are, the more likely you are to be successful. 


Confidence makes you feel more in control of your success. 


You feel capable of handling any challenges and achieving any goal or projects.


9 Ability to do Deep Work Increases.


Deep Work was a term coined by Cal Newport,  in 2016.He  created a formula to reach the highest quality of work and be as productive as possible.


The Deep Work formula is like this -: High-Quality Work Produced = (Time Spent) x (Intensity of Focus)Deep 


Deep work means to be immersed in a task ,free from all distractions, in order to achieve peak productivity and desired value .


A person doing deep work is ‘’zoned’’ into the tasks with intense focus ,swiftness and high engagement .


Here are some characteristics of deep work 

  • You are purposeful 

  • You are highly focused -ie monotasking and block time to do it .

  • You feel a greater sense of accomplishment after completing a meaningful task.

  • You make the best use of your cognitive abilities and creative potential .

  • The outcome is great and quality of work is high in less time . 

  • You feel good,  energised and empowered to accomplish challenging tasks each day.

  • It reduces anxiety and stress.

Some examples of deep work are Writing a thoughtful content , researching on something ,planning deeply , analysing data , developing strategy etc.


Deep work can only be done by creating routines, habits, and environments that make it easier.


People who cultivate this skill have a significant competitive advantage over others, because they are more productive, creative, positive  and engaged with their work.


10 Achieve your goals 


A productivity coach helps you manage your time effectively so that you can achieve your goals and experience more freedom.


By managing your time effectively you get more done in less time with less stress and anxiety .

Accomplishing goals also boosts your confidence .


11.Work Smarter


Hard work takes you longer to get results and takes a lot of your time and energy .


A productivity coach helps you make the best use of your potential by helping you work smarter ,so that you are able to leverage your potential fully well, feel more fulfilled and get more done at the same time .

12.Work-Life Balance

Work life balance is important for sustaining high levels of productivity and motivation. 

A coach will help you create work-life balance, in a manner that specifically suits you so that you have more free time and be able to enjoy it without guilt. 


Now is the time to unleash your full potential and be more productive than ever before .

If you want to be intentional and mindful with how you spend your time and are typically ambitious and goal-oriented.

Or if you want to improve your performance, feel less stressed and have a healthier work-life balance , schedule a FREE DISCOVERY SESSION HERE !

Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach


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