Handling myriads of responsibilities as a New Manager you are more likely to feel stressed and overloaded.


Or it takes longer for you to get things done.


Or you get very little done.


Or it might be that your career seems stalled.


What is it that you are looking for?


Is it more progress, less stress, get more done, minimize workload?


If you are looking for one or more of any of the above then you are lucky to be reading this post where I am sharing some simple and powerful tips to minimize workload, stress, get more done, and get things done faster than you can think.


I know it is tough to handle tasks, people, and personal priorities all at the same time, but there are a few secret and effective tips that every successful executive uses to overcome workload and stress and flow seamlessly with more calm and peace. 


So are you ready?


Let’s begin.


Would you like to Make A SMOOTH TRANSITION AND THRIVE CONFIDENTLY in your New Role ?







So let us begin with a few basics :


  • What is Delegation?

  • How Delegation is Beneficial to you and others around you.

  • The three different types of tasks you must delegate .




’’Delegation doesn’t mean passing off work you don’t enjoy but letting your employees stretch their skills and judgment .’’


Harvey Mackay 


Delegation is one of the most important management skills.


It is vital for effective leadership and effective delegation is crucial for management and leadership succession.


The main task of a Manager Leader in an organization is to groom successors so that they can plan their upward movement in the organization. This will spiral upward growth for all in the organization.




Delegation is a powerful tool and goes a long way in helping you and others around to move forward and upward because :


  • It helps you to make the best use of your as well as others’ potential.

  • Good delegation saves you time by leveraging time from an outside source so that you have more quality time.

  • Delegation removes unnecessary stress, fosters motivation, and brings more clarity to each one about his role and responsibilities and more success in achieving a task or purpose.

  • It increases the efficiency of the organization.

  • It gives more opportunities for personal development and seeking and encouraging promotion. This is how you grow yourself and others in the job.

  • By meaningfully involving other people in the projects, you can develop your people skills and abilities so that you can use your skills to make strategies and come up with more valuable ideas and projects.

  • In the future, you will be more assured if similar projects come along. You can delegate the tasks with more faith to the people who have done similar tasks before with less involvement from you.

So you see how important management skill delegation skill is for you and everyone around you and the organization as a whole. 




The purpose of delegation is to create more quality time for yourself


Many people are confused about what they should delegate.

So here are the three main types of tasks that you can delegate:


1 . Tasks that you know how to do, but do not enjoy doing. Say checking employee’s attendance. 

2 Tasks that do not make the best use of your time. You know and enjoy them, but the returns on them are very poor. Eg replying to unimportant emails.

3 . Tasks for which you do not have the skills or expertise and cannot do, but that needs to be done irrespective of everything else.


Take a look at your tasks and responsibilities and identify which of them fall under these 3 categories.




Here are some tips to delegate successfully when giving responsibilities to new people and make the best use of their as well as your potential.


1.Get clear on the task .


Get clear on what tasks need to be delegated. -Is it suitable for delegation. Does it provide an opportunity to grow and develop another person’s skills?


2.Select the person to whom it needs to be delegated?

To include people in the delegation process, allow them to decide what tasks can be delegated to them. People who are closest to the work are the best choice because they have a better understanding of everyday work. This strategy will help in increasing the efficiency of the workplace and developing other people.


  •  Get clear on why you want to delegate the task to this person.

  •  Check the capability and skills of the person. Is the person experienced enough? Does he know? Does he have the right attitude? What is his preferred style of working? How independent is he? 

  • Tap into his short and long-term goals ( What does he or she want from his or her job) and see how they align with the work assigned to him.

  • Keep in mind his current workload and see if he has enough time to take on more work. Will it require you to reshuffle other responsibilities and workloads if you give him extra work.

  • If the task is new for the person, do you have time and resources to provide any training needed? If you have selected the right person and are delegating correctly, be patient with him. He will become efficient and reliable in a short time. 


3 Set clear expectations.


Clearly explain what you expect from the person, describe the desired outcome clearly. Why does the highest quality of results matter and agree on what to do if the results are not satisfactory. Check his level of commitment and build motivation.


4 Explain the importance and relevance of the task to the person.


 Explain to him how it is an important piece in the puzzle, and why it has been given to that person of all the others.

Be clear on what will he gain from it, how it will help you and the organization.

 Discuss how success will impact financial rewards, increase opportunities in the future, bring recognition, and also how failure will impact things in the future.


5 Discuss timelines and deadlines.


 Agree on deadlines. Get clear on the date when you expect the job to be finished.

Be clear on how much time is available to do the job.

 Explain the consequences of not doing the job on time. See the above point for this .


6.Agree on the methods of enquiring and controls to prevent the feeling of mistrust or interference for the other person. 


Agree on a schedule of checkpoints at which you’ll review project progress.

When they must report you -after the task is fully complete or periodically in between.


7.Be clear about authority and accountability and how you will measure the task. 


  •  Understand that you can delegate some responsibility, however, you can’t delegate away ultimate accountability. The most important decisions stop with you.

  • Establish clear boundaries and limitations.

  •  Clarify in the beginning how much autonomy does the person have, when should he ask you, and on what matters.

  •  Match the amount of responsibility with the amount of authority.

  • Have clarity on how you will measure the task and  much time will be there to re-do the job if it is not done properly in the first shot.


 8.Make a list of resources required to get the task done. 


Discuss and brainstorm with the person who is delegated with the responsibility.

The resources include people, place, money, raw materials, and other related activities and services.


9.Establish and maintain control.

  • Support the person and communicate from time to time with your employee. Be available for questions, clarification, and check progress from time to time. 

  • Provide ongoing communication, mentoring, and resources. 

  • Provide regular feedback to the person to let him know how he is doing .

  • Restructure and re-adjust where required. 

  • Mentor them and help them  solve problems for them and keep them going.


10.Focus on results, rather than procedures. 


Everyone has their unique way of working. So be clear about where to stop interfering and micromanaging.

 Focus on results.

 Concern yourself with what is accomplished, rather than detailing how the work should be done.

Your way is not necessarily the only or even the best. 

Allow the person to control his or her methods and processes. This facilitates success and trust.


11.Inform your upline and downline.


Provide information to the people who need to know about it as well as your boss. This will keep everyone updated and prevent unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings.


12. Give recognition and praise where it is required. 


 When good work is returned to you, make sure to both recognize and reward the effort.


This will make the employees feel worthy, and enforce their trust in you. They will be more motivated to work to greater heights in the future. 


As a leader, you should get in the practice of complimenting members of your team every time you are impressed by what they have done. This effort on your part will go a long way toward building team members’ self-confidence and efficiency, both of which will be improved on the next delegated task; hence, you both win.


13. Ask for help where needed.


 You must ask for help from your team members  when you think you need it. There is no problem in asking for help. 


Everyone has different gifts. Respect their talents and make the best use of them.


14 .Avoid “upward delegation.”

If there is a problem, don’t allow the person to shift responsibility for the task back to you: ask for recommended solutions, and don’t simply provide an answer. Make them think for the solutions .


15.Take time to review all submitted work.


 When delegated work is delivered back to you, set aside enough time to review it thoroughly.


 If possible, only accept good quality, fully-complete work. If you accept work you are not satisfied with, your team member does not learn to do the job properly.


Worse than this, you accept a whole new tranche of work that you will probably need to complete yourself. 


Not only does this overload you, it means that you don’t have the time to do your job properly.


16. Manage Upward .

As you delegate tasks to the employees , you get to an agreement with them regarding how to do the delegated tasks .In a similar way when you receive tasks from your boss ,you must get the opportunity to manage upwards ,by suggesting improvements to the process ,if your boss uses your help .


 It is a great skill to manage upward and downward-your boss as well as your team members .


So ensure that you do this properly .



Where everyone has limited hours every day ,there is only a limited amount of work that you can do in any given day . There are only a limited number of people you can help by doing these tasks , so you see how you are limiting your success.


When you do your job well , people demand more from you . This can be overwhelming and daunting .This will create more tension and stress leaving you guilty of letting down people and not meeting their expectations .


On the other side of the coin ,higher expectations mean that you are given an opportunity to go to the next level .So if you are able to work your way around this challenge then you can be more successful.


Delegation serves as a powerful tool to combat this challenge You can expand the amount of work you can deliver by delegating.


Not only it helps you to get more done  and meet the demands of the place , it helps you to build a strong and successful team of highly motivated people.


Important things to keep in mind for successfully delegating is clarity, involvement of employees, a commitment of employees, motivating and recognizing and appreciating contribution from time to time, providing the required amount of support and constant communication and problem solving will help you go a long way in your career and growth of the organization.


Lastly, make sure that the team member knows that you want to know if any problems occur and that you are available for any questions or guidance needed as the work progresses.


In delegating effectively, we have to find the sometimes-difficult balance between giving enough space for people to use their abilities to best effect, while still monitoring and supporting closely enough to ensure that the job is done correctly and effectively.


 In thoroughly considering these key points before and during the delegation process you will find that you delegate more successfully.


So you see how delegation is a win-win for both you and your employees as well as the organisation  


 How has this post helped you ?

Which delegation practice did you find most helpful ?

Please share your thoughts below .


Do You Want to Accelerate Your Success As A New Manager?

Make a Smooth Transition. Thrive Confidently. Create A Better Impact.




Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach 



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