Problem-solving is a creative process that requires an innovative approach to solve problems and move from the undesired current position to the desired position.

It requires a structured approach to solve the problem step by step.

There are 5 basic steps to solve any problem 

1 Define the problem at hand .

2 Gather information from all the sources and analyze the problem. 

3 Brainstorm all possible solutions.

4 Pick the best solution.

5 Implement the solution.


Here is the main approach to problem solving.


Critical thinking is an essential component of problem solving .

Critical thinking is a higher level of thinking which helps you to approach problems and devise innovative solutions systematically.  

 It is based on intellectual principles of clarity, precision, accuracy, relevance, consistency, good reasons, reliable evidence, depth, breadth, and fairness.

Critical thinking skills help you to reflect on your past experiences and foresee the future and based on these, you can make effective decisions.

In the rapidly changing world, where each day is fraught with challenges and you need to take decisions very carefully and wisely after thinking through each thing.

You need to assess, critique, and create solutions to thrive in the ever-changing world by finding constructive solutions to problems.

And this is where critical thinking comes as a help. It helps you to apply reason and logic to assess arguments, and derive your conclusions.

It helps you to move beyond information and get to the point of what you think and believe.

Employers always love managers who think critically ,because they bring creative solutions to problems and bring innovation in the organisation.

Critical thinking skills are required by all professionals in different fields ,like leaders, managers, lawyers, accountants, businessmen, sales and marketing experts and HR Specialists.

To develop this skill you need to ask brilliant questions which will help you and others around you to think deeply and critically.

And to help you become more adept at critical thinking, I have compiled a set of questions based on the 5 W s and 1 H of Critical thinking that you, a Manager or Leader, can ask to encourage yourself or your team members to think outside the box. 


So here are 58  questions that will help you think more critically . 



Do you want to become a Brilliant Critical thinker ? Get the 58 Brilliant Critical thinking questions HERE






 While making decisions it is important to consider who and how it will impact others around. This will help develop leadership skills and change the game.


  • Who would be affected by this? (Who Benefits from this ?/Who does this harm ?)

  • Who makes decisions about this?

  • Who is most directly affected?

  • Who would be the best to consult?




  • What is another alternative?

  • What would be a counterargument?

  • What is the best or worst-case scenario?

  • What is most or least important?




  • When is this acceptable /unacceptable?

  • When would this benefit society?

  • When would this cause problem?

  •  When is the best time to take action?




  • Where can we see this in the world?

  • Where are similar concepts /situations?

  • Where is the most need for this?

  • Where would this be a problem?



  • Why is it relevant to me/ others?

  • Why is this the best worst-case scenario?

  • Why are people influenced by this?

  • Why has it been this way for so lon



  • How does this disrupt things?

  • How do we know the truth about this?

  • How will we approach this safely?

  • How could we avoid this problem in the future?

How helpful was this resource? Please share your thoughts in the comments box below.


Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach 



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