The importance of great behaviour as a Manager/Leader cannot be understated in any circumstance. 

Accountability is a quality instrumental for managerial /leadership success. 

Managers who constantly outshine others and achieve unanticipated goals practise the habit. 

As a manager, it is important to build this behaviour in yourself. 

However, it can be challenging to find ways that are implicit and efficient. 

Asking questions is one way to do this. 

Wondering how?

For  accountability to their employees, questions are a powerful tool that managers can use to achieve their goals and objectives. 

But how can managers use questions effectively to stay accountable to their employees? 

This blog explores the concept in depth, explaining how questions can help managers stay accountable to their employees. 

Here’s an outline with 25 questions that managers can ask themselves to ensure they are staying accountable to their employees.

 Each question is designed to prompt reflection on different aspects of managerial responsibility and employee relations.

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  • Am I setting clear expectations?

  • Have I communicated the goals and expectations for my team effectively?

  • Do I lead by example?

  • Am I demonstrating the work ethic and behaviour I expect from my employees?

  • Am I approachable and available?

  • Do my employees feel comfortable coming to me with their concerns and ideas?

  • Am I providing constructive feedback?

  • Do I regularly offer feedback that helps my employees grow and improve?

  • Do I recognize and reward good performance?

  • How do I acknowledge the hard work and achievements of my team members?

  • Am I fair and impartial?

  • Do I treat all employees equally and without bias?

  • Do I encourage professional development?

  • How do I support my employees in their career growth and skills enhancement?

  • Am I effectively managing conflicts?

  • How do I handle disputes or disagreements within the team?

  • Do I foster a positive work environment?

  • What actions do I take to promote a healthy and supportive workplace culture?


  • Am I transparent with communication?

  • Do I ensure that important information is shared openly with my team?

  • Do I actively listen to my employees?

  • How well do I pay attention to and consider my employees’ input?

  • Am I adaptable to change?

  • How do I handle shifts in company strategy or market conditions?

  • Am I holding myself accountable?

  • Do I take responsibility for my actions and decisions?

  • Am I committed to the company’s values?

  • How do I embody the core values of the organisation in my management style?

  • Do I prioritise the well-being of my employees?

  • What steps do I take to ensure the physical and mental health of my team?

  • Do I respect my employees’ work-life balance?

  • How do I accommodate the personal needs and boundaries of my staff?

  • Am I proactive in addressing issues?

  • Do I wait for problems to escalate or do I tackle them early on?

  • Do I delegate effectively?

  • How do I distribute tasks and trust my team with responsibilities?

  • Do I make informed decisions?

  • Do I gather enough information and perspectives before making a choice?

  • Am I empathetic towards my employees?

  • How well do I understand and relate to the personal experiences of my team?

  • Do I provide the necessary resources and support?

  • Are my employees equipped with the tools and support they need to succeed?\

  • Am I consistent in my management approach?

  • Do I maintain steady and predictable leadership practices?

  • Do I encourage innovation and creativity?

  • How do I create an environment where new ideas are welcomed and explored?

  • Am I focused on team-building?

  • What initiatives do I take to strengthen the team dynamic and collaboration?

  • Do I regularly evaluate and reflect on my own performance?

  • How often do I assess my effectiveness as a manager and seek ways to improve?

As a manager, regularly contemplating these questions can help maintain a level of self-awareness and accountability that is crucial for fostering a productive and harmonious workplace.

Each question also suggests an area for potential development, which can serve as a starting point for creating personal and professional growth plans.

How helpful are the questions ? What else do you think needs to be asked ?

Have other questions on Delegation ? Please share them in the comments below.

Have an Awesome Day!

Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach


P.S– If you are making 2 or more than two mistakes then I encourage you to schedule a FREE 30 MIN DISCOVERY SESSION HERE

P.P.S. -Please share the post and help someone today!

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