‘’Accountability is the Glue that ties Commitments to Results.’’ 

 Crafting a set of questions for managers to ask their teams is a great way to ensure accountability and maintain performance.

 Here are 25 questions managers might consider using during team meetings, one-on-ones, or performance reviews to keep their team members accountable:

Would you like to Make A SMOOTH TRANSITION AND THRIVE CONFIDENTLY in your New Role ?




  • What are your main goals for this week/month/quarter?

  • How are you tracking progress towards your goals?

  • Can you provide an update on your current projects?

  • What challenges are you facing, and how can I help?

  • Are there any obstacles impeding your progress that we need to address?

  • How are you prioritizing your tasks, and why?

  • What successes have you had since our last conversation?

  • Have you met the deadlines set for your tasks? If not, what were the reasons?

  • How do you ensure the quality of your work?

  • What feedback have you received from other team members or clients?

  • How are you contributing to the team’s overall objectives?

  • In what ways have you taken initiative recently?

  • Are there any skills you need to develop to perform your job better?

  • How are you applying learnings from past projects to current ones?

  • Can you share an instance where you overcame a significant challenge?

  • How do you collaborate with other team members to achieve results?

  • What systems do you use to stay organized and efficient?

  • Are you clear about your role and responsibilities within the team?

  • How do you manage your time effectively, especially under tight deadlines?

  • Is there anything you would change about our current processes or communication?

  • How do you plan to tackle your next big project?

  • Have you made any mistakes recently, and what did you learn from them?

  • What can we do to support your professional development?

  • How do you measure the impact of your work?

  • Are there any commitments you have made that you’re finding difficult to honor?

These questions are designed to encourage reflection, facilitate communication, and foster a culture of accountability.

They can help managers identify areas where team members might need support or additional resources and also highlight accomplishments and areas of strength.

 Remember that the tone and context in which these questions are asked can greatly affect how they’re received, so it’s essential to approach these conversations with a constructive and supportive mindset.

How helpful are the questions?

Do you have any other questions on Accountability ? Please share them in the comments box .

Have an Awesome Day!

Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach



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