"If you have never had a Toolkit that helps you Work Smarter and be Effective with your Time and Efforts, Then You’re in for a Marvelous Surprise ……"

Work smarter. Be more Focused. Be in control.

Get the ‘‘How Can I Focus Better ?’’ Toolkit at a special 70% Discount!

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Finally, a Toolkit that helps you to boost your productivity, Overcome Workload Overwhelm, and Minimize Stress instantly but sustainably!

Like Most New /First Time Managers are you going through any of this?

1. You often find yourself jumping from one task to another  with no clear cut goals and priorities in place!
2. You find yourself disorganized.
3. You keep missing on important deadlines often.
4. You find yourself multitasking and micro managing often.
5. You are often overwhelmed with workload and stressed.
6. You find yourself procrastinating frequently.

Deep Down you wish you were……..

Able to work more faster and not fail those deadlines.
Have less stress and workload.
You were more calm and organized.
You had more time for self.

Am I getting you right ?

But there is one huge looming problem...

It takes a lot of time to do things by multitasking and micromanaging, kills your focus, keeps you stressed and Overwhelmed with workload, makes it difficult to keep up with the pace of tasks, delays deadlines, with a lot of confusion and chaos.

Needles to say, you make more mistakes with poor quality of output.

Its enough to make you dispassionate, de motivated, stressed and irritated.

But hold up, it doesn't have to be that way ….

Instead of doing it that way, imagine if you were able to do it faster and without any stress and overwhelm. Would that interest you?

Here’s your answer -

I have a Toolkit to help you with all of this.

The "How Can I Focus better Toolkit" is a holistic toolkit with a set of proven tools on Productivity and Time Management that will help you identify your key priorities, be more organized and calm, stay  on track, work faster and smarter, be more motivated, have more time for yourself and feel more balanced.

That’s the power of your Personal Productivity and the promise behind the ‘How Can I Focus Better’ toolkit.


Usually $67, Now $25! (70% OFF)

At only $25 , that’s the most pocket friendly and smartest investment you’ll ever make for your Personal Development! Imagine having a Personal Coach for just $25!

Here are 8 Good Reasons Why A Productivity and Time Management Toolkit is the Best thing that will help you work faster, smarter and be more focused, calm and balanced.

The tools in the toolkit will help you to :

#1. Get clear with your top priorities and know the difference between the Urgent and Important, so that  you can focus on things that matter the most.
#2. Use your Potential more optimally and feel fulfilled. No more doing hard slogs and wasting time on things that you do not love.
#3. Create an Effective Schedule that will help you schedule your key priroties at your peak productive hours and get more done than you can even think of.
#4. Stay motivated and get the toughest of things done.
#5. Identify things that kill your time and use your time more judiciously and productively.
#6. Handle Interruptions and Distractions more effectively.
#7. Say 'No' to people and things that will cause unnecessary distractions without feeling guilty.
#8. Overcome Procrastination and be more proactive. Save yourself from unnecessary stress and overwhelm.

Approach your productivity and growth in an organized and systematic manner. Get all the proven tools and templates that  I use personally, and devise practical solutions to all the problems.

So You can see there are a whole lot of benefits to using a toolkit that has tools to help you work faster, smarter, be more focused and leverage your time and efforts more effectively, and still remain calm.

And that's why you're going to want to get a hold of this toolkit...

Introducing The "How Can I Focus Better"

A holistic Productivity and Time Management Toolkit.

To help you-

Work smarter, Be more Focused, Be in control.

Let us have a look at the tools in the toolkit ….

The Toolkit Contains

And 2 Bonuses along with these tools

Individually all the tools may cost you anywhere between $150 to 180$ and may take more time for you to procure them individually and understand them one by one.

But here you get them all at a 70% Discount on the usual price of $67 with so much more for just $25!

If you go through the toolkit, and implement the strategies that you have derived out of those exercises, I guarantee you that you’ll feel more productive than ever before, with an overall boost in your performance, efficiency, motivation, and confidence. If you find yourself stuck with the exercises in the toolkit, shoot me an email at hrleadwithpassion@gmail.com. I’ll be more than happy to help you with them.

Payment – Please click the button below and you will be lead to the order page. Read the instructions on the order page and send the screen shot of the payment made in Google Pay. A download link to the product and bonuses will be immediately sent to you once the payment has been processed. Kindly have patience till the process is complete.

"It's time for you to skip the Workload Overwhelm and Stress when it comes to Personal Productivity... and design unique strategies to works smarter and be more focused."

In other words:

Skip the learning curve with this Toolkit today.

Now that you know how the Toolkit can help you ,and all the tools that it contains ,Let me ask you a question…

Would You Trade These Benefits for a Levis 501 ?

I’m not kidding. If you order now, you can get everything you see on this page for about the cost of a Levi 501 – just $25.

That price may raise your eyebrows. Maybe you’re wondering how I can giveaway so much for such as small price.

It’s pretty simple, really.

I don’t want you to keep slogging under hard work and spend long hours at work. It’s an experience I have gone through and don’t want you to go through the same.

If you try to get the tools one by one, it will take you a lot of time to curate them, understand and implement them. I desire the best for you and want you to skip the learning curve. 

The bottom line here is that you’re getting a GREAT deal. And to sweeten the pot even more, I’m going to throw in these bonuses and make it absolutely irresistible by throwing in the User Guide and Fillable Worksheets free when you order today!…

Order Now and Get the Userguide And a Fillable worksheet to help you solve the tools  as My Gift to You!

Once you give this a try, you won’t ever try to work faster by Multitasking, Micromanaging ,feel stressed and overwhelmed - guaranteed!

This Toolkit is $67 value, but it’s yours for $25 Only when you order now! That’s why you’ll want to take out your credit card and click the button below now to get started:


Usually $67, Now $25! (70% OFF)

At only$ 25 , that’s the most pocket friendly and smartest investment you’ll ever make for your Personal Development! Imagine having a Personal Coach for just $25!

More About Me...
Hello, I'm Babita Sharma!

I Empower New Managers To Grow Into Purposeful, Confident And Successful Leaders.
Let’s create a successful journey for you!

Babita Sharma


P.S –

# If you need something you can take action on quickly, this is the 'Run and Implement' toolkit you're looking for!

Once you start using the tools in the toolkit, I'm confident you'll never be stressed, overwhelmed, procrastinate or miss deadlines.


7 Days money back refund guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product within 7 days of purchase.

I’m offering you a 7 -day unconditional guarantee. If you don’t find the tools helpful to you become  more productive and stay in control of your time  – or if you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason – just email me for a prompt and cheerful refund.

This takes all the risk off of you and puts it squarely on my shoulders.

# If you’re on the fence…

Or if other toolkits have left you with a less than a thriling experience…

Then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put ‘‘How Can I Focus Better?’’ Toolkit into action and experience how easy and exciting it can be to Boost Your Productivity Instantly and Overcome Workload Overwhelm and Stress by using the proven tools in the Toolkit .

If you go through the toolkit, and answer the questions in the exercise along with the tools and implement the strategies that you have derived out of those exercises, I guarantee you that you’ll feel more productive than ever before, with an overall boost in your performance, efficiency, motivation, and confidence. If you find yourself stuck with the exercises in the toolkit, shoot me an email at hrleadwithpassion@gmail.com. I’ll be more than happy to help you with them.


Usually $67, Now $25! (70% OFF)

At only$ 67 , that’s the most pocket friendly and smartest investment you’ll ever make for your Personal Development! Imagine having a Personal Coach for just $67!


I get to hear a lot of questions about the toolkit from my customers. Do you have any of these questions about the toolkit? Keep reading the questions below.

I bring all the experience I have to the table, and this can never be replicated. I am committed to helping you get results and care about you. Please do not be afraid. The tools are time tested and proven used by experts and work for everyone. They  have questions that will open you up to many possibilities and will unblock you. You will start thinking new and create new results with solid foundations in place. I use these tools and they work for me. If you find yourself stuck with the exercises and questions, please shoot me an email at –hrleadwithpassion@gmail.com, I’ll be glad to help you with the tools.


You might be wondering that you have just started out new and are piled with tons of responsibilities. Responsibilities will never end. The question you should be asking yourself is :  Do I have my priorities clearly outlined? Do I get plenty of time to rest and be in balance?

If you feel, you are not yet ready for this toolkit, then let me tell you, sparing a couple of hours every week, will put you in more control of your time, and leave you feeling more balanced and fulfilled. With a solid foundation, you’ll have all your important priorities in place, feel more motivated and focused. You will experience more creativity, will be able to work faster and make decisions quickly, and will not have sleepless nights figuring out how to go about the work for the next week or month.

In the changes that are happening so frequently, where all the businesses , political system and societies are going through change , the tools will help you to handle changes smoothly and be in control in any situation.

You’ll need about 1 to 2 hours per week with this toolkit. This toolkit saves you time as you aren’t running around like a headless chicken with your work and life. Instead, you’ll be confidently taking action on tasks that will bring you the biggest results for your career and life.

Why? Because they will provide you with technical knowledge, help you devise powerful and effective strategies, and keep your self accountable. In time you will become more faster and efficient. It will become your personal system.


I have tried many other toolkits and they seem to work for me. I am afraid that this is no different.

Well, the ‘’How Can I Focus Better?’’ toolkit is a set of time tested and proven tools to give anyone the results they desire.

 It is unique because it is approaches Productivity on a Holistic level. 

It contains quizzes and supportive tools to help you work at a deeper level, with a complete set of tools to holistically uplift your productivity as compared to the run of the mill sort of toolkits. It took me 6 months to curate and arrange them in a logical sequence.

The tools in this toolkit will help you to work on and enhance  the Six Different aspects of Productivity  and make long lasting changes to your thinking and habits –

  • Develop a Productive Mindset and make Optimal use of your Potential by leveraging on your strengths
  • Be Self Motivated
  • Manage your Time and Tasks effectively
  • Overcome Procrastination
  • Manage Interruptions and Distraction for more Focus and Concentration
  • Be more Assertive and say NO more often

The toolkit has templates that are full of questions and will open you up fully to many different possibilities and help you create practical solutions ad create amazing changes

They will save you the effort of over thinking and devise solutions faster than you can think by helping you to explore yourself from deep within.

The tools will enable you to devise simple, powerful, effective strategies, take the RIGHT action, AND be on track. 

So keep Boosting your Productivity on an Ongoing basis ,and at the same time feel more fulfilled and balanced.

The toolkit contains tested and proven tools that are used by all experts and help you build the skills of Productivity, Time management, and Self Motivation.

There are 3 assessments on Productivity, Time Management, and Motivation, along with supportive tools to complement these tools and provide you with extra support.

Not only will this toolkit help you personally ,you can use the tools to help others like your colleagues and team mates to boost their Productivity  work faster and efficiently ,so that you can accomplish projects faster.

I use them and people say I can work quite efficiently, take quick decisions, work faster, am more motivated, and manage my time well. I have my priorities in place and lead a more balanced and fulfilled life, with enough time for myself and my family. I am less stressed and overwhelmed, feel more balanced, and fulfilled.

If you want to keep stress and workload overwhelm at bay, have more control over your time and experience more balance and fulfillment, you must consider investing in this.

It comes with a free fill-able bonus sheet to help you work with the exercises along with the tools.

This is my lowest-priced offer. It is for those who believe in DIY Toolkit and would love to have a coach 24×7 without having to burn a hole in their pocket.

If you find yourself stuck with the tools and exercises, write to me at –hrleadwithpassion@gmail.com.   I promise to help you with them

It is for Leaders, Newly Promoted /FIrst time/ Midlevel and Aspiring Managers and Professional in any field like sales , teaching, marketing etc   who love to use their potential optimally ,work smarter and faster, have more control over their time, have better relationships with people around them,feel more fulfilled and balanced.

Yes I do offer a 7 Day Money back guarantee.

P.S- Well the tools in the toolkit are time tested and proven, used by experts. They are bound to give results, if you work through them sincerely and take the action you have designed. It will take some time but will elevate you to new levels of thinking and doing.

Hello, I’m Babita Sharma!


A Certified Leadership Coach. I specialize in helping New/First Time Managers to 2X their Productivity, have more control over their time, Overcome Workload Overwhelm and Minimize Stress at Workplace/Life, so that they can experience more balance and fulfillment. And I help you do that with Simple, Powerful, and Effective Tools and Strategies without any hustle and overwhelm! Find me at www.leadwithpassion.co.in