Q: How do I handle different perspectives in the workplace? ( A Question posed by a reader )


Here is my response :


A: A Manager’s job is tough as it entails balancing different demands, managing people and meeting the organisation’s goals .

Dealing with multiple stakeholders and employees is part of profession. 

Therefore dealing with multiple perspectives is imperative as these people come from different backgrounds and have different experiences .


As a manager you must be open to handle different perspectives as well as work with your team to come up with new ideas .

But balancing these different perspectives can be quite challenging . 


Here are  10 strategies to handle different perspectives brilliantly and navigate successfully.



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1.Promote an Inclusive Work Environment:

Encourage and value diversity of thought and perspectives within your team.


Encourage your team members to express their thoughts and ideas openly. Be sure to actively listen to their perspectives without judgement.

2.Listen Actively:


Take the time to actively listen to your team members’ viewpoints, allowing them to express their thoughts and ideas without interruption. 

Seek to understand each employee’s perspective by asking questions and seeking clarification. 

This can help you gain a better understanding of their point of view and help you address any concerns they may have.

3.Keep an Open Mind:

Approach discussions with an open mind, being willing to consider alternative viewpoints and perspectives.


Diversity brings a wide range of perspectives to the table. Celebrate differences and leverage them for innovation and problem-solving.

4.Foster Constructive Dialogue:

Encourage open and respectful communication among team members, creating an environment where ideas can be shared and debated without personal attacks.


5.Seek Common Ground:

Look for areas of agreement and shared interests among team members to find common ground and build consensus.


Work with your team to create a shared vision or goals that everyone can work towards, even if they have different approaches or ideas for achieving them.


6.Empower Your Team:

Give your team members the autonomy and ownership to make decisions and contribute their perspectives to projects and initiatives.


7.Encourage Collaboration:

Promote teamwork and collaboration among team members to bring together diverse perspectives and skills.

Encourage your team members to work together and collaborate. By getting everyone involved, you can find common ground and build consensus.

8.Address conflicts promptly:

If conflicts arise due to different perspectives, address them promptly and directly, facilitating discussions to find resolutions or compromises.


9.Consider Multiple Solutions:


Encourage creative problem-solving by considering multiple solutions and alternatives instead of getting stuck on a single perspective.


10.Reflect and Learn:

Regularly evaluate your own biases and perspective as a manager, and continuously seek opportunities to learn from different viewpoints and experiences.



It is important for you to see things from different perspectives so that you can gain a wholesome understanding of any situation . 


Overall, effective management of different perspectives requires strong communication skills, an open mind, and a willingness to work collaboratively to find solutions.


This will help you to make well informed decisions and promote inclusivity in the workplace.


It enhances problem solving and improves your communication skills ,keeping conflicts to the minimum .


By taking different perspectives into consideration you will be building a strong team, empowering your employees and able to navigate change more effortlessly . 


Remember, managing different perspectives is an ongoing process that requires patience, empathy, and active engagement.

By following these steps and creating a supportive environment, you can leverage the diversity within your team and promote innovation and growth.


How do you handle multiple perspectives as a Manager? Have any other strategy?

Or do you find it difficult ?

What will you do to handle multiple perspectives effortlessly?


Have an Awesome Day!


Babita Sharma

Leadership Coach


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