In the fast paced and quickly changing work environment where you are handling multiple things as a Manager or Leader ,getting stuck and staying in that situation for some time can be quite stressful causing frustration and anxiety .

It looks as if everything around has become stagnant and life has come to a standstill !

Worse still it makes you doubt your abilities and makes you feel unconfident, overwhelmed and out of control .

You feel a lack of motivation and energy .

And believe me it happens to all of us and too often.

When you are feeling low , you don’t perform to the best of your abilities in the other areas too .

It impacts your behaviour, mood performance and relationships with others. 

It’s like a vicious circle…………. 

And you know what , it can continue for days if you don’t have a tool to get out of it 

But hold on it does not have to be that way. 

There is a way out . You get out of it quickly ! 

In this post, I am sharing my proven 4 step process with powerful questions that you too can use to get yourself out of this endless loop quickly and get moving faster and confidently.

This powerful process will help you get into alignment quickly, feel more empowered and eliminate stress and anxiety instantly.

And before beginning , Let me tell you a little about how I struggled with stuck and found this process.

As I switched my career from a Senior Coordinator and teacher to a Coach ,i had to struggle a lot . I used to get stuck while pursuing my business goals, or planning content. 


Often it would be like ‘what next ?’ 


That smooth sailing was not happening and I would have it stop in the tracks and figure out what to do next or what was hindering my progress. 

Needless to say, I used to get frustrated, anxious and stressed.

I had  heard about self coaching and attended a summit on self coaching .

Self coaching is helpful because every time I couldn’t hire a coach because it was too expensive for me .  Most of the time you don’t need exhaustive coaching for 3 to 6 months .

It helps you get into alignment quickly by taking a review of your situation and finding out what is missing or what needs to be done , so that you can identify the bottlenecks and devise quick solutions and get moving forward quickly .

I devised this powerful tool to help myself unblock and get moving faster quickly . 

And it really works for me . I am able to solve problems quickly by getting into the root of the matter and devising practical solutions by brainstorming solutions for my problems. 

Today I feel more relaxed , confident and when I feel anxious or stressed, I know I

 have a method which will help me progress quickly. 


Would you like to Get out of Stuck Quickly And Avoid Stress, Feel more Confident, Save More Time?





So I thought of sharing this process because there are many  leaders and managers like me and you who can benefit from this process and move forward quickly .

And here is the 4 step process. 


Let’s begin !

Step 1: Define the Ideal Outcome, Reflect and Identify the Root Cause of Your Stagnation.


First of all you must define your ideal outcome ,ie what you want .Then identify/recognize the  creative block, acknowledge the creative block, recognize  you’re stuck.

At this step you must go for self-reflection, identify the problem, analyse the  root cause , and become self-aware.


  • Define your ideal outcome: What things will look like finally .

  • Recognize patterns: Identify recurring obstacles or limiting beliefs that contribute to feeling stuck.

  • Analyse external factors: Assess how external circumstances may be impacting your progress.

  • Evaluate your  goals and values: Reflect on whether your current goals align with your true values and aspirations.

Here are some Questions you must ask yourself at this stage.

Recognize and Acknowledge the Block

Identifying creative block, acknowledging creative block, recognizing you are stuck self-reflection questions, mindset shift, breaking mental barriers, self-discovery


  • What is the ideal outcome that I want ?

  • Where am I  now in relation to my goal? What’s working well and conversely, what isn’t?

  • What’s going on in my  life right now ?  Where do I want to be? 

  • What will my life look like if I continue like this?

  •  What specific task or project am I feeling stuck on?

  • How would I describe the problem in three words?

  • “What is the root cause of my creative block?”

  • “What are my biggest fears or insecurities when it comes to creativity?”

  • “What limiting beliefs do I hold about my own creativity?”How does it affect my motivation?

  • How can I reframe failure as a stepping stone towards success?”

  • “What inspires me and how can I incorporate more of it into my daily life?”


Explore Alternative Approaches and Solutions
Creative problem-solving techniques, thinking outside the box for solutions.

Exploring Different Perspectives and Approaches Changing perspectives, fresh ideas, new approaches, outside-the-box thinking.


  • Can I approach this task or project from a different angle or perspective?
    exploring alternative perspectives, shifting mindset for new ideas

Are there any constraints or limitations I can embrace to spark creativity?
using limitations as creative fuel, embracing constraints for innovative solutions


Step 2: Set Clear and Attainable Goals to Regain Momentum.


At this step after getting answers from the first step  set goals, Use the SMART goals method , create an action plan, and be motivated.

  • Determine your priorities: Clarify what truly matters to you and prioritise those areas in your life.

  • Create S.M.A.R.T. goals: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals that align with your desired outcome.

  • Break it down: Divide larger goals into smaller actionable steps for better focus and progress tracking.

  • Maintain motivation: Find ways to stay inspired by regularly revisiting your goals or seeking support from mentors or accountability partners.

Here are some questions for this stage.


  • “How can I step outside of my comfort zone and try something completely different from what I’m used to?”

  • “How can I break this problem down into smaller manageable parts? 

  • What are some unconventional ways to solve each part?” 

  • “Who are some creative individuals or communities that inspire me? How can I engage with them?”

  • “What is the value of seeking feedback from others? Who can I reach out to for constructive criticism?” 

  • “How can collaboration with others enhance my creativity and help me overcome obstacles?”

  • “How do I define success in my creative pursuits? What milestones can I celebrate along the way?”

Step 3: Take Action & Embrace Change


Now it’s time to take action on your goals .Take action, step out of your comfort zone, embrace change, and overcome fear.

  • Start small: Begin with manageable actions that build momentum and confidence.

  • Challenge your comfort zone: Break free from familiar routines and try new approaches or strategies.

  • Cultivate a growth mindset: Embrace the idea that setbacks are opportunities for learning and improvement.

  • Seek support: Surround yourself with a supportive network or seek guidance from experts to navigate through challenges.

Take Action and Implement Strategies to Overcome the Block

Breaking down into smaller steps, setting deadlines and milestones.


Ask questions like :

  • What changes do I need to make in order to achieve MY goal?

  • What specific actions can I take right now to move forward?
    Taking small actionable steps, momentum-building strategies.

  • How will I know when I’m off track?

  • How will I know I have reached my goal ? Have some indicators .

  • When am I going to start?

  • What is the first thing I am going to do today to move towards my goal ?

  • How can I hold myself accountable and stay motivated throughout the process?
    Accountability techniques, staying motivated during creative challenges

  • What’s the  next best step I can take ?

Step 4: Celebrate Progress and Maintain Momentum.

And now it’s time to celebrate your  success, track your progress  and stay motivated.

  • Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge and reward yourself for each step forward towards your goals.

  • Maintain accountability: Regularly assess your progress and make adjustments as needed to stay on track.

  • Cultivate self-care habits: Prioritise self-care activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being to sustain motivation.

  • Maintain a growth mindset: Continuously seek opportunities for personal development and embrace lifelong learning.

I hope you have found the article helpful ? What did you find helpful?

Share your thoughts below .

If you want to break free from stagnation move forward quickly today and need professional help, read  this article –How Laser Coaching can help you get out of stuck quickly.


Have an Awesome Day!


Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach


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