After the euphoria of the promotion now it’s time to take charge of your responsibilities .


I’m sure you would love to make a great first impression and rock your first month .


You’ll have a lot to learn and do.


Now from my experience, you will be surrounded by many of your co workers and team members, you will have your peers and old friends ,each trying to get some attention from you .


Everyone will come to you with ideas ,suggestions and problems and have a lot to expect from you.


And you will find yourself in chaos. 


Trust me , if you don’t have a plan to navigate your first month , you stand the risk of getting caught in the chaos and losing all your focus and control. You will feel unconfident, anxious and overwhelmed ,and not to say confused .


All of this can drain you and have a negative impact on your team, boss and your employees.


And if you want to make a strong start and make a good first impression then by prioritising the following three tasks in your first 30 days, you can set a solid foundation for success and make a great start or rock your first month as a manager without getting swayed in the chaos and confusion .

So let’s help you rock your first month !


Would you like to Make A SMOOTH TRANSITION AND THRIVE CONFIDENTLY in your New Role ?






1. Meet and Connect with Your Team.


Meet your team members and learn about their strengths, skills, and goals.


Ask questions, show interest, and build relationships.


 Listen to their concerns, acknowledge their contributions, and provide feedback. 


Connecting with your team is essential in building trust, rapport and creating a positive work environment.


2. Listen, Observe, and Learn.


Take the time to observe the team dynamics, workflow, and culture.


 Pay attention to individual and team performance, company practices, and policies.


 Seek out feedback from your supervisor, peers, and team members. 


Listen carefully to what people say and how they say it.


 Having a clear understanding of team’s strengths, challenges and needs is critical to fostering success.


3. Prioritise and Set Goals.


Identify your priorities and start working on them.


 Develop a clear understanding of the company’s vision and strategic goals. 


Establish specific, measurable goals for you and your team that support the larger goals of the organisation. 


With clear goals, you can start prioritising tasks and delegating responsibilities more effectively.



By following an agenda that includes the above tasks during your first month, you can create a sound foundation as an effective manager.


You will be more organised , feel more confident, be on purpose and succeed in your first month as a new manager.


This will help you feel more confident and in charge and  have a good impact on your team , your boss and your employees.


Babita Sharma
Leadership Coach



P.S : Please share the post and help someone today !


P.P.S : If you need help with any of the above things , please feel free to reach out to me at

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