If you are looking for a coach who can be there for you anytime you need help, then you are at the right place!

For busy Managers and Leaders time is a constraint. Laser coaching sessions of 45 to 60 minutes length are a great way to break free from your busy routine without having to spare 60 to 75 minutes for a full-length coaching session every week and engage yourself for 3 to 6 months.

Sometimes we just need a quick little boost or a new way of seeing things.

This laser coaching option is a great and affordable way to get answers and quick conversations as needed.

What is Laser Coaching?

Laser Coaching Sessions are 45-60 minute paid coaching sessions in which you and I will work on a specific issue that is blocking you from reaching your goals and advancing in your life and/or career.

It happens to all of us: suddenly you get stuck, you get overpowered by thoughts and beliefs, and you can’t get past them.

Everything comes to a standstill.

You don’t make any progress and this is soooooo frustrating and agonising!

A Quick help to understand what you need to do or habits you need to change to move forward without having to wait for months is where laser coaching is the best solution.

Laser Coaching sessions help you to quickly align with your goals and find possible solutions to unblock you from unhelpful thinking patterns that are impairing your career, your daily life, and your well-being.

 Laser coaching sessions are short, to the point, and solve the challenge on the spot. 

These sessions don’t often reach a deep level of conversations, yet, still enough to pierce the root problem and set up the next action plan.

To determine whether laser coaching calls are suitable for you, you may book a Chemistry Session.


Let’s have a look into what is overwhelming you at the moment and hindering your progress so that you can flow seamlessly with no worries!


Laser Coaching is not the best fit for everyone. It is for busy Professionals like you who



Once you book your Laser Coaching Session with me, I send you a link to my calendar to schedule a time. The Session takes place virtually (via Skype /Zoom /Google Meet).

Each 45-60 minute Laser Coaching Session is highly focused on an issue or challenge that you have at any given moment, and it’s obstructing your day-to-day life, with your productivity, time, goal, relationships, and /or with your career.

I gather all the information related to the issue you’re experiencing, then I ask you several questions that will challenge you and help you find a solution right away.

This is perfect if you’re looking for that “aha” moment!

We will:


I am Babita Sharma , A leadership Coach.

I’m very excited to help you achieve better goals in less time and see you thrive in life. If an imbalance in your well-being is impacting your energy, clarity, and productivity, it’s time that we work together!

We will go deep into the problem while we maximise the time available.

Once you have tried Laser Coaching you will love how quickly  you can make changes in your life.

I will take you gently through a powerful process, implementing game changing techniques to make it really easy for you to unblock what you need to shift and have instant, incremental and sustainable results.

My commitment to you is ABSOLUTE. As long as you are willing to do your part, I’ll bring you the best of who I am, my intuition, my ability to see beyond the evident and to expand the perspective in any situation.

Are you ready to get unstuck and take action? Right now?

Sign up for your Laser Coaching Session with me.

Note: Each session is of 45-60 mins. Each booking requires 24 hours notice and it depends on mutual availability.

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P.S.-Please share this resource with someone who needs to know this today!
