Transitioning to a New Manager’s Position is exciting as well as full of uncertainties and challenges. 


Most new managers are in trouble.


The thrill of a new job or promotion lasts for a little while. But eventually, reality starts to sink in. 


Previously, new managers only had to worry about themselves.

Now they live and die by the performance of their team.

And that team consists of people who may not even want to see them succeed.


New managers need help, and they need it fast!



Would you like to Make A SMOOTH TRANSITION AND THRIVE CONFIDENTLY in your New Role ?






There are many things that you will have to deal with and it can be confusing and overwhelming. 


Having someone to handhold you and walk you through is a good idea, but you hardly get someone. 


The sooner you realize that you will have to walk your journey by yourself and the sooner you start learning the better.


According to research statistics :

85% of new managers do not get any training before becoming a manager.

59% do not feel like they are supported in their new role.

63% still do not feel effective after six months on the job. 

50% still do not feel effective after 12 months on the job.

50% of managers fail during the first year.

69% of managers say they are uncomfortable communicating with their employees.

72% of people think that their performance would be better if their managers would give them corrective feedback.

Bad managers are costing companies millions of dollars, and they are also negatively affecting the lives of the millions of employees unfortunate enough to report to them.

All these data show that most new managers are not set up to succeed. They make many deadly mistakes that cost them their jobs and give setback to their career.

When such managers fail, there is a devastating impact on the company and the employees.


Managers have an important role to play in the company’s culture, employee engagement, and financial success.


Strong and committed managers become great managers and leaders who shape the future of the company.


To Be more effective in your role, you need 3 most important things

1 A mentor and Guide – Someone from your organization or from a group you join or read books by famous authors.

2 Develop A Growth Mindset -Keep learning from your mistakes and growing each day. Develop new skills and acquire new knowledge.

3 Develop healthy habits -Have a routine from morning and night, set meaningful goals, read more books, do self-reflection and introspection, journal, and the like.


So to help you succeed and lead more purposefully and confidently in your journey, I have made a post on Books that will support your journey as a First Time or an Aspirant  New Manager. 


Having a library of books will support you 24x 7 in your journey by providing you insights, references, and examples from similar situations of those people’s life who have walked the path before you 


Please Note: I independently select all products and services. If you click through the links I provide, I may earn a commission from Amazon.

1. How to Think More Effectively: A guide to greater productivity, insight and creativity 

Alain de Boton



We know that our minds are capable of great things. But they are also unpredictable. Our thoughts tend to wander and our minds are either distracted or idle. 


This book teaches us how to optimise these beautiful yet fitful instruments so that they can more regularly and generously produce the sort of insights and ideas we need to fulfil our potential.


We learn how to hold on to fleeting thoughts before they disappear through anxiety and fear, what time of day is best for constructive work, and how to avoid predictable approaches to our largest problems. 

This  is a user’s manual to that most wondrous, intermittent, and always baffling organ: the human mind.

Want to be more creative and Productive ? Get the Book here on :






 2.Solve Employee Problems Before They Start: Resolving Conflict in the Real World 

Scott Warrick


With compassion, clarity, and conviction (and a dash of comedy for good measure) popular speaker and employment law attorney Scott Warrick distils conflict resolution to just three simple moves: Empathic Listening, Parroting, and Rewards (EPR). 

Because no one can use their EPR skills unless they can control themselves, he also shows you how to become an Emotionally Intelligent communicator, as mental toughness is a critical component in resolving conflict. 

The formula is simple: if you can control yourself, you can learn and master EPR skills to resolve any conflict in any situation — and build durable trust with others, in your personal life and throughout your organisations, along the way.

Want to be a great problem solver and resolve conflicts intelligently ?

Get it here:




3. How to Be a Great Boss 

Gino Wickman and René Boer



If your employees brought their “A-Game” to work every day, what would it mean for your company’s performance?

Studies have repeatedly shown that the majority of employees are disengaged at work. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Often, the difference between a group of indifferent employees and a fully engaged team comes down to one simple thing—a great boss.

In How to Be a Great Boss, Gino Wickman and Rene’ Boer present a straightforward, practical approach to help bosses at all levels of an organisation get the most from their people. 

They share time-tested tools that have worked for more than 30,000 bosses in every industry. 

You can learn to be a great boss—and dramatically improve both your organization’s performance and your team’s excitement about their work.

In this book you will discover:

How to surround yourself with great people

How to make more effective use of your time

The difference between leadership and management and why they’re equally important

The five leadership practices and five management practices of all great bosses

How to create accountability

How to develop productive, relationships with each of your people

How to deal with direct reports that don’t meet your expectations

How to Be a Great Boss provides practical tools that you can apply immediately with your people, allowing you to focus on improving and growing your organisation and truly enjoy what you do.

If you wish to be a Great Boss ,Get it here :




4. It’s the Manager: Moving From Boss to Coach 

Jim Clifton and Jim Harter



Who will lead your workforce during rapid change?

 Gallup research reveals: It’s the manager.

While the world’s workplace has been going through historic change, the practice of management has been stuck in time for decades. 

The new workforce — especially younger generations — wants their work to have a deep mission and purpose. They don’t want old-style command-and-control bosses. They want coaches who inspire them, communicate with them frequently and develop their strengths.

Who is the most important person in your organisation to lead your teams through these changes? 

Decades of global Gallup research reveal: It’s your managers. They are the ones who make or break your organisation’s success.

Packed with 52 discoveries from Gallup’s largest study of the future of work, It’s the Manager shows leaders and managers how to adapt their organisations to rapid change — from new workplace demands to the challenges of managing remote employees, the rise of artificial intelligence, gig workers, and attracting and keeping today’s best employees.

Great managers maximise the potential of every team member and drive your organisation’s growth. And they give every one of your employees what they want most: a great job and a great life. This is the future of work.

It’s the Manager includes a unique code to take the Clifton Strengths assessment, which reveals your top five strengths, as well as supplemental content available on Gallup’s online workplace platform.

Want to be a Great manager ,who is also a great Coach for the team ? Get it here :



5. Project Management for The Unofficial Project Manager

Kory Kogon, Suzette Blakemore, James Wood



No project management training? No problem!

In today’s workplace, employees are routinely expected to coordinate and manage projects. Yet, chances are, you aren’t formally trained in managing projects—you’re an unofficial project manager.

Franklin Covey experts Kory Kogon, Suzette Blakemore, and James Wood understand the importance of leadership in project completion and explain that people are crucial in the formula for success.

Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager offers practical, real-world insights for effective project management and guides you through the essentials of the people and project management process:






Unofficial project managers in any arena will benefit from the accessible, engaging real-life anecdotes, memorable “Project Management Proverbs,” and quick reviews at the end of each chapter.

If you’re struggling to keep your projects organised, this book is for you.

 If you manage projects without the benefit of a team, this book is also for you.

 Change the way you think about project management—”project manager” may not be your official title or necessarily your dream job, but with the right strategies, you can excel.

Want to be great at Managing Projects ? Then Get ti here :




6. The Harvard Business Review Manager’s Handbook: The 17 Skills Leaders Need to Stand Out.



The one primer you need to develop your managerial and leadership skills.

Whether you’re a new manager or looking to have more influence in your current management role, the challenges you face come in all shapes and sizes—a direct report’s anxious questions, your boss’s last-minute assignment of an important presentation, or a blank business case staring you in the face. 

To reach your full potential in these situations, you need to master a new set of business and personal skills.

Packed with step-by-step advice and wisdom from Harvard Business Review’s management archive, the HBR Manager’s Handbook provides best practices on topics from understanding key financial statements and the fundamentals of strategy to emotional intelligence and building your employees’ trust. 

The book’s brief sections allow you to home in quickly on the solutions you need right away—or take a deeper dive if you need more context.

Keep this comprehensive guide with you throughout your career and be a more impactful leader in your organisation.

In the HBR Manager’s Handbook you’ll find:

– Step-by-step guidance through common managerial tasks

– Short sections and chapters that you can turn to quickly as a need arises

– Self-assessments throughout

– Exercises and templates to help you practise and apply the concepts in the book

– Concise explanations of the latest research and thinking on important management skills from Harvard Business Review experts such as Dan Goleman, Clayton Christensen, John Kotter, and Michael Porter

– Real-life stories from working managers

– Recaps and action items at the end of each chapter that allow you to reinforce or review the ideas quickly

The skills covered in the book include:

– Transitioning into a leadership role

– Building trust and credibility

– Developing emotional intelligence

– Becoming a person of influence

– Developing yourself as a leader

– Giving effective feedback

– Leading teams

– Fostering creativity

– Mastering the basics of strategy

– Learning to use financial tools

– Developing a business case

HBR Handbooks provide ambitious professionals with the frameworks, advice, and tools they need to excel in their careers. With step-by-step guidance, time-honed best practices, real-life stories, and concise explanations of research published in Harvard Business Review, each comprehensive volume helps you to stand out from the pack–whatever your role.

Get it here :





7. 101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees: A Manager’s Guide to Addressing Performance, Conduct, and Discipline Challenge

 Paul Falcone


101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees provides guidance for managers on how to broach uncomfortable conversations across a wide range of issues.

Inappropriate workplace conduct, lateness, sexually offensive behaviour, productivity and communication issues . . . these are just a few of the uncomfortable topics supervisors must sometimes discuss with their employees.

Top human resources author Paul Falcone offers realistic sample dialogues managers can use to facilitate clear, direct interactions with their employees that help sidestep potential awkwardness and meet issues head-on.

This practical, solution-oriented book walks you through some of the most common and most serious employee problems you are likely to encounter.


In 101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees, Falcone covers topics including:

  • substandard performance reviews,

  • progressive disciplinary warnings and termination meetings,

  • FMLA abuse and ADA accommodations,

  • wage and hour challenges,

  • team turnarounds,

  • compensation conflicts, and more.

This handy guide helps you treat their people with dignity and respect, focusing not just on what to say but also on how to say it. It provides proven techniques you can use to protect yourself and your organisations—and get the very best from your people.


If you wish to approach difficult conversations with more success then you must read this book.


Get it here :




8. The Manager’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change

 Camille Fournier



Managing people is difficult wherever you work.

But in the tech industry, where management is also a technical discipline, the learning curve can be brutal—especially when there are few tools, texts, and frameworks to help you.

 In this practical guide, author Camille Fournier (tech lead turned CTO) takes you through each stage in the journey from engineer to technical manager.


From mentoring interns to working with senior staff, you’ll get actionable advice for approaching various obstacles in your path.


 This book is ideal whether you’re a new manager, a mentor, or a more experienced leader looking for fresh advice. 

Pick up this book and learn how to become a better manager and leader in your organisation.

  • Begin by exploring what you expect from a manager

  • Understand what it takes to be a good mentor, and a good tech lead

  • Learn how to manage individual members while remaining focused on the entire team

  • Understand how to manage yourself and avoid common pitfalls that challenge many leaders

  • Manage multiple teams and learn how to manage managers

  • Learn how to build and bootstrap a unifying culture in teams

Get it here :




9. The First-Time Manager

Jim McCormick



The trusted management classic and go to guide for anyone facing new responsibilities as a first time manager.

Learn to conquer every challenge like a pro with the clear, candid advice in The First-Time Manager.

For nearly four decades, this trusted guide has brought newcomers up to speed on the nitty gritty realities of managing people.

The updated seventh edition delivers new information that helps you manage across generations, use online performance appraisal tools, persuade with stories, oversee remote employees, build a team dynamic, match a boss’s style, and more.

The jump from star employee to new manager is bigger than most people realise — with opportunities to fail at every step. 

Stumbling your way through isn’t an option.

In The First-Time Manager, you will learn skills including:

  • leading meetings,

  • hiring employees,

  • motivating others,

  • actively listening,

  • staying calm under pressure,

  • overcoming resistance and much more.

With little experience or training, a coveted promotion can become a trial by fire. No one needs that.

 Turn to the book that thousands have relied on to hit the ground running 

Must have if you are a first time manager or aspiring to be one .

Get it here :





10.Wait, I’m the Boss?!?: The Essential Guide for New Managers to Succeed from Day One 

Peter Economy


Your management mentor in book! 

This is the go-to guide on making good decisions, helping teams work together, dealing with people problems, and achieving goals when you’re newly in charge or looking to brush up on your leadership skills.

Wait, I’m the Boss?!? is chock-full of useful information, tips, and checklists that can be used by anyone who aspires to become a skilled manager.

 While it’s written with the new manager in mind, it can also serve as a useful refresher for any manager, no matter how experienced he or she may be. 

With this book in their hands, new managers will always know where they are going―no matter where they are. 

This much-needed, helpful guide explores the fundamental skills that every new manager needs to understand, practice, and master. These fundamental skills include:

  •  Building teams and teamwork

  • Creating a fun and effective organizational culture

  • Rewarding and motivating employees

  • Leading organizational change

  • Learning how to hire great employees

  • Coaching and mentoring

  • Delegation

  • Communicating effectively

  • Dealing with layoffs and terminations

Whether you’re in your first management position, are an experienced leader, or are hoping for a promotion, Wait, I’m the Boss?!? will be the mentor you need.

Get it here :



11.The Effective Manager 

Mark Hortsman



The how-to guide for exceptional management from the bottom up.

The Effective Manager is a hands-on practical guide to great management at every level. 

Written by the man behind Manager Tools, the world’s number-one business podcast, this book distills the author’s 25 years of management training expertise into clear, actionable steps to start taking today.

 First, you’ll identify what “effective management” actually looks like: can you get the job done at a high level?

Do you attract and retain top talent without burning them out? 

Then you’ll dig into the four critical behaviours that make a manager great, and learn how to adjust your own behaviour to be the leader your team needs.

You’ll learn the four major tools that should be a part of every manager’s repertoire, how to use them, and even how to introduce them to the team in a productive, non-disruptive way.

Most management books are written for CEOs and geared toward improving corporate management, but this book is expressly aimed at managers of any level—with a behavioural framework designed to be tailored to your team’s specific needs.

  • Understand your team’s strengths, weaknesses, and goals in a meaningful way

  • Stop limiting feedback to when something goes wrong

  • Motivate your people to continuous improvement

  • Spread the work around and let people stretch their skills

Effective managers are good at the job and “good at people.” The key is combining those skills to foster your team’s development, get better and better results, and maintain a culture of positive productivity. 

The Effective Manager shows you how to turn good into great with clear, actionable, expert guidance. Get it here :





12.High Output Management

Andrew Grove


In this legendary business book and Silicon Valley staple, the former chairman and CEO of Intel shares his perspective on how to build and run a company. 


A practical handbook for navigating real-life business scenarios and a powerful management manifesto with the ability to revolutionise the way we work. 

The essential skill of creating and maintaining new businesses—the art of the entrepreneur—can be summed up in a single word: managing.

Born of Grove’s experiences at one of America’s leading technology companies (as CEO and employee number three at Intel), High Output Management is equally appropriate for sales managers, accountants, consultants, and teachers, as well as CEOs and startup founders. 

Grove covers techniques for creating highly productive teams, demonstrating methods of motivation that lead to peak performance. 

Get it here :





13.Managing Oneself  

Peter Drucker


We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: with ambition, drive, and talent, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession regardless of where you started out.

But with opportunity comes responsibility. 

Companies today aren’t managing their knowledge workers careers. 


Instead, you must be your own chief executive officer. 

That means it’s up to you to carve out your place in the world and know when to change course. And it’s up to you to keep yourself engaged and productive during a career that may span some 50 years. 


In Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker explains how to do it.

The keys:

Cultivate a deep understanding of yourself by identifying your most valuable strengths and most dangerous weaknesses;

Articulate how you learn and work with others and what your most deeply held values are; and

Describe the type of work environment where you can make the greatest contribution. 

Only when you operate with a combination of your strengths and self-knowledge can you achieve true and lasting excellence.


 Managing Oneself identifies the probing questions you need to ask to gain the insights essential for taking charge of your career.

Get it here :





14.Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Daniel Pink


Forget everything you thought you knew about how to motivate people – at work, at school, at home. It’s wrong. 


As Daniel H. Pink explains in his new and paradigm-shattering book DRIVE: THE SURPRISING TRUTH ABOUT WHAT MOTIVATES US, the secret to high performance and satisfaction in today’s world is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world. 


Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does – and how that affects every aspect of our lives. 

He demonstrates that while the old-fashioned carrot-and-stick approach worked successfully in the 20th century, it’s precisely the wrong way to motivate people for today’s challenges. 

In DRIVE, he reveals the three elements of true motivation:

AUTONOMY – the desire to direct our own lives;

MASTERY – the urge to get better and better at something that matters;

PURPOSE – the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves. 

Along the way, he takes us to companies that are enlisting new approaches to motivation and introduces us to the scientists and entrepreneurs who are pointing a bold way forward. 

DRIVE is bursting with big ideas – the rare book that will change how you think and transform how you live.

Get it here :




15.One Thing You Need to Know (About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success)

Marcus Buckingham


Here’s a dramatically new way to understand the art of success.

Great managing, great leading, career success – Marcus Buckingham draws on a wealth of examples to reveal the single controlling insight that lies at the heart of each.


 Lose sight of this “one thing”, and even your best efforts will be diminished or compromised. 


Success comes to those who remain mindful of the core insight, understand all of its ramifications, and orient their decisions around it.


Buckingham backs his arguments with authoritative research from a wide variety of sources, including his own data and in-depth interviews with individuals at every level of an organization, from CEOs to hotel maids and stock boys.


In every way a groundbreaking audiobook, The One Thing You Need to Know offers essential performance and career lessons for businesspeople at all career stages.

Get it here:





16.Own the Room: Business Presentations that Persuade, Engage, and Get Results 

Booth, Shames, & Desberg


Don’t Just Present. Persuade, Inspire, and Perform!

Powerhouse presentations that engage and move your audience.


Imagine if every presentation received rapt attention and buy-in from the audience.


Start getting these results with Own the Room, featuring the renowned Eloqui Method-innovative techniques that leave boring behind


Research shows a memorable presentation is a combination of stirring your audience’s emotions while appealing to its intellect.

This team of authors has developed techniques that tap into the persuasive, expressive aspects of presentations-employed over the past ten years by Fortune 500 companies such as TD Ameritrade, Mattel, Fisher-Price, Merrill Lynch, Siemens, and Pfizer.

This effective method brings you:

  • An award-winning actor who applies performance techniques from the stage to engage and move an audience

  • A television and film director who demonstrates how to craft and deliver your message with authority, credibility, and authenticity

  • A psychologist who specializes in memory and stage fright and reveals how to overcome fear and activate an audience’s attention and memory

    Own the Room is written by a unique set of authors with the expertise perfect for creating vivid narratives. Own the Room shares how to excite your audience’s emotions and intellect. And Own the Room will give you a communication toolkit to make any presentation lively, compelling, and memorable.

If you want to make memorable and effective business presentations in your workplace, then this book is for you . 

Get it here :




17.Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones 

James Clear


Transform your life with tiny changes in behaviour, starting now.

People think that when you want to change your life, you need to think big. 

But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. 

He knows that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions: doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or holding a single short phone call.

He calls them atomic habits.

In this ground-breaking book, Clears reveals exactly how these minuscule changes can grow into such life-altering outcomes

He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks (the forgotten art of Habit Stacking, the unexpected power of the Two Minute Rule, or the trick to entering the Goldilocks Zone), and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why they matter.

 Along the way, he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEOs, and distinguished scientists who have used the science of tiny habits to stay productive, motivated, and happy.

These small changes will have a revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships, and your life.

Get it here :





18.Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It 

Chris Voss


The author Chris Voss, in collaboration with Tahl Raz, created Never Split The Difference as a manual to learn negotiation methods to succeed in commercial business, in personal relationships and also in any other field in which reaching an agreement is essential for the well-being of every person.

Traditional teaching in negotiation courses has become obsolete despite the fact that it continues to be taught because it leaves out elements that become highly relevant at the moment of negotiation: the individual emotions and the irrational behaviour that businessmen can adopt. 

These negative factors are much more evident in negotiations with kidnappers, for example, because the lives of others are in danger and accepting the terms of criminals is always far from being the best solution.

The authors of Never Split The Difference have extruded all the knowledge of Voss’s experience with the FBI in negotiations with kidnappers and extreme situations involving hostages. From this, they have learned that the opposite party in a negotiation will be more willing to cooperate if they feel heard and understood from the start. 

Engaging in a dialogue in which one listens carefully to the other lays the groundwork for an honest exchange with clear intentions, even when the negotiation is carried out with criminals.

There are many tactics that readers of this book can learn to improve their business. Including the demonstration of emotional empathy to neutralise negativity or hostile behaviour of the other party and thus prevent potential damage is highlighted.

Another popular tactic is effective haggling, which is being built step by step during the negotiation to make the counterpart believe that the “final offer” is the best they can get.

Negotiating is a skill which is essential for all managers . Want to be a powerful Negotiator ?


Get it here :



19 Measure What Matters: OKRs: The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth 

John Doerr


‘For anyone interested in becoming a better manager’ – Bill Gates

Discover the revolutionary movement behind the explosive growth of Intel, Google, Amazon and Uber.

In 1999, legendary venture capitalist John Doerr invested nearly $12 million in a small 40-person startup that had amazing technology, entrepreneurial energy and sky-high ambitions, but no real business plan. 

Doerr introduced the founders to his system of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and, with those principles at the foundation of their management, the startup grew at an exponential rate.

 Today, that same startup – Google – has more than 70,000 employees with a market cap exceeding $600 billion.

Doerr has introduced OKRs to more than fifty companies, helping tech giants and charities exceed all expectations.

 In the OKR model, objectives define what we seek to achieve and key results are how those top­ priority goals will be attained. They focus effort, foster coordination and enhance workplace satisfaction. 

For the first time in Measure What Matters, Doerr shares a broad range of first-person, behind-the-scenes case studies, with narrators including Bono and Bill Gates, to demonstrate the agility and explosive growth that OKRs have spurred at so many great organisations.

This book will show you how to collect timely, relevant data to track progress – to measure what matters. It will help any organisation or team aim high, move fast, and excel

Get it here :




20.Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind 

Nancy Kline



Most people think they listen well, but they rarely do – not at this level. Listening this way is a radical act.


The power of effective listening is recognised as the essential tool of good management. In this book, Nancy Kline describes how we can achieve this and presents a step-by-step guide that can be used in any situation.


Whether you want to have more productive meetings, solve business problems, create bold strategies, or build stronger relationships, this book offers you a new world of possibilities.


From blue chip companies developing high-powered teams to individuals seeking personal growth, a thinking environment has come to mean transformation of the highest quality.


Get it here :


21.The One Minute Manager 

Ken Blanchard ,Johnson Spencer 


The World has changed and so has the NEW One Minute Manager. He’s adopted new ways to help you succeed sooner in this rapidly changing world.


 Millions of people in thousands of organisations around the world have benefited from using the three One Minute Secrets; One minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Redirects, the NEW third secret. 


This book will help you find meaning in your work and make your life better.


For more than twenty years, millions of managers in Fortune 500 companies and small businesses nationwide have followed The One Minute Manager’s techniques, thus increasing their productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity. 


These very real results were achieved through learning the management techniques that spell profitability for the organization and its employees. 


The One Minute Manager is a concise, easily read story that reveals three very practical secrets: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Reprimands.


The book also contains s several studies in medicine and the behavioural sciences that clearly explain why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people.

By the books end you will know how to apply them to your own situation and enjoy the benefits.




22.What Got You Here ,Won’t Get You there.

Marshall Goldsmith




Your hard work is paying off.

You are doing well in your field.

But there is something standing between you and the next level of achievement.


That something may just be one of your own annoying habits.Perhaps one small flaw – a behaviour you barely even recognise – is the only thing that’s keeping you from where you want to be.

It may be that the very characteristic that you believe got you where you are – like the drive to win at all costs – is what’s holding you back.

As this book explains, people often do well in spite of certain habits rather than because of them-and need a “to stop” list rather than one listing what “to do”.


Marshall Goldsmith’s expertise is in helping global leaders overcome their unconscious annoying habits and become more successful.

His one-on-one coaching comes with a six-figure price tag – but in this book you get his great advice for much less.

Recently named as one of the world’s five most-respected executive coaches by Forbes, he has worked with over 100 major CEOs and their management teams at the world’s top businesses.

His clients include corporations such as Goldman Sachs, Glaxo SmithKline, Johnson and Johnson and GE.


Get it here:






23 . Performance Management For New Managers: Hit The Ground Running!

Paul Thornton








As I said in the beginning of the post , the excitement of promotion vanishes after a couple of months and suddenly you are faced with more challenges and difficulties than you think you can handle .

Reading some books from famous authors will help you prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Even if you are aspiring to get promoted as a Manager ,these books will stand you in good stead .

I hope you have found all the books listed about very useful.

Which book did you like the most ? What are you committing to read now ? 

Share your thoughts below .

Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach 

P.S-Please share the post and help someone today !

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