‘’Embrace the Mindset Shifts and Thrive as a Manager’’


The transition from contributor to manager can be both exciting and challenging

To excel in your new role, it is crucial to develop the right mindset. 

In this article, we will explore eight mindsets that you must embrace as a Leader/New Manager to become highly successful and thrive in Your Leadership Position .


Would you like to Make A SMOOTH TRANSITION AND THRIVE CONFIDENTLY in your New Role ?






1. The Mindset of Delegation

As an individual contributor, you were responsible for executing tasks and delivering results.

 However, as a manager, your role shifts from doing to delegating. 

Delegation is a critical skill that allows you to leverage the strengths of your team members and accomplish goals collectively. 

To master the mindset of delegation, start by rewriting your to-do list.

Identify tasks that only you, as a manager, can handle such as setting expectations, coaching your team, and providing follow-ups. 

Delegate other tasks to your team members, ensuring that they align with their skills and development needs. 

Remember, effective delegation empowers your team and frees up your time for strategic management responsibilities.


Tip: Focus on what only you can do as a manager and delegate tasks that allow your team members to grow and develop their skills.


2. The Mindset of Openness

As an individual contributor, you may have relied on your expertise and had a specific way of doing things.

 However, as a manager, it is essential to embrace the mindset of openness. 

Recognize that there is not always one right answer or approach to a problem. 

Successful managers encourage different ideas and perspectives, allowing their team members to contribute their unique insights. 

Instead of dictating how tasks should be accomplished, focus on communicating the desired outcome and let your team members find their own paths to success. 

Embracing the mindset of openness enables innovation and fosters a collaborative work environment.


Tip: Communicate the “what” of a project and empower your team members to determine the “how” by providing them with autonomy and trust.


3. The Mindset of Problem Anticipation


As a manager, your role in problem-solving shifts from being a direct participant to an enabler. 

Instead of solving problems yourself, you must anticipate potential issues and support your team in finding solutions. 

This requires being proactive and staying informed about the broader organisational context. 

Attend higher-level meetings, gather insights about customers and other teams, and share relevant information with your team.

 By equipping your team with the necessary knowledge and resources, you can help them overcome obstacles and achieve success.


Tip: Share information with your team and help them anticipate and navigate potential problems by leveraging your access to organisational insights.


4. The Mindset of Ambiguity


As an individual contributor, you may have been accustomed to clearly defined tasks and objectives. 

However, as a manager, you will encounter greater ambiguity in your responsibilities.

 People’s challenges, skills gaps, and unprecedented tasks require navigating through grey areas where clear outcomes are not always apparent. 

Embrace the mindset of ambiguity by remaining open to learning and being flexible

Seek resources and guidance from HR, network with other managers, and learn from their experiences. 

Embracing ambiguity allows you to adapt and find innovative solutions to complex problems.


Tip: Stay curious and flexible, seeking resources and advice from others to navigate through ambiguous situations effectively.


5. The Mindset of Professional Boundaries

As a manager, it is important to establish and maintain professional boundaries with your team members. 

While it is natural to develop friendly relationships at work, it is crucial to balance friendliness with the need for objectivity and authority. 

Your role as a manager requires making decisions that may not always be popular, and it is important to ensure that your team respects your position. 

Appreciate the sense of loss that may come from working with former peers and focus on building professional relationships with other managers and industry professionals.

Tip: Maintain clear boundaries between your professional and personal relationships to establish authority and objectivity.


6. The Mindset of Team Success

As an individual contributor, your success was measured by your individual achievements.

However as a manager, your success is directly linked to and determined to  the success of your team. 

Shift your focus from individual achievements to recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of your team members. 

Celebrate their successes, provide positive feedback, and support their growth. 

Provide positive feedback, support their strengths, and avoid overcommitting them.

Make delivering positive feedback a regular practice and create a positive work environment that fosters collaboration and motivation. 

Prioritise the development of your team members’ skills and strengths, enabling them to excel in their roles.

Tip: Prioritise team success over individual achievements by providing positive feedback, celebrating successes, and supporting your team’s growth.

Make it a daily practice to deliver positive feedback. People respond best to a balance of positive and negative feedback. 

By consistently acknowledging their achievements, you create a positive work environment and make it easier to address any issues that arise.


7. The Mindset of Strategic Focus

As an individual contributor, your primary focus was on accomplishing your assigned tasks.

 However, as a manager, you must shift your mindset to setting the agenda and prioritising strategic goals. 

Take into account the needs of your customers and align the work of your team with their expectations. 

Rank priorities, allocate time and attention accordingly, navigate the political landscape within the organisation, and ensure that projects progress smoothly.

Your focus should be on aligning the team’s work with the needs of the customers.

 Embrace the mindset of a strategic focus by understanding the broader organisational context and making informed decisions.


Tip: Keep the customer in mind and align your team’s work with their needs to prioritise and plan strategically.

Prioritise tasks and remember that you are no longer the expert doer—you need to rely on your team to achieve results


8. The Mindset of Continuous Learning



Transitioning to a managerial role requires a mindset of continuous learning and growth. 

Recognize that becoming a successful manager is a journey that takes time and practice. 

Embrace a growth mindset, remain open to new ideas, seek feedback, and learn from your experiences. 

Actively pursue opportunities for professional development, whether through coaching, training programs, or networking with other professionals. 

Cultivating a mindset of continuous learning will enable you to adapt and thrive in your managerial role.

Tip: Embrace a growth mindset, seek opportunities for learning and development, and continuously refine your managerial skills.




Transitioning from an individual contributor to a successful manager requires a series of mindset shifts. 


While these shifts may not happen overnight, they are essential for your growth and success.


Developing the right mindsets is essential for new managers to excel in their roles. 


Cultivate the mindsets of delegation, openness, problem anticipation, ambiguity, professional boundaries, team success, strategic focus, and continuous learning. 


Remember, becoming an exceptional manager is a journey, and each mindset shift brings its own challenges and rewards.


With time and practice, you will become a superstar manager.


Embrace these mindsets continuously refine your managerial skills, and watch your success as a manager grow. 


Ready to embrace these mindsets and become a better manager?.

Which mindset will you adopt today ?

Share your thoughts below .


Have an Awesome day! 


Babita Sharma 

Leadership Coach


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