I’m passionate about helping New Managers to become more Productive, Use their Potential Optimally and experience more Joy, Balance, and Fulfillment.



Hi, I’m Babita Sharma, a Leadership coach and writer. I’m passionate about helping New Managers become more Productive, have more control over their time tame the stress and workload overwhelm in their lives, and get more things done during the day with less fuss and friction.

I believe that deep down, we desire to have a calm, stress free and joyful life, but sometimes we need a bit of help in making our dreams a reality. To make your dreams a reality, time isn’t meant to be battled or fought. We just need to learn how to work with it, and not against it!

It is my pleasure to help you become more savvy and confident when it comes to utilizing your potential optimally, have more control over your time, energy and minimize stress from workload.

If this sounds a little bit interesting to you, then we must definitely talk.

Babita Sharma
Leadership Coach

Have a look at my coaching programs below :